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Global Business

Business Management & Administration
Operations Management
Global Business
Grade Range
Release Date
Non-Verbal Communication
Global Trade
Global Markets
Global Business
International Monetary Systems
Global Business Defined
Foreign Exchange Market
Trade policies
Globe Investments
Cultural Diversity
International Monetary Fund
Comparative Advantage
Exchange Rate
Free Trade
Absolute Advantage
Financial Market
Fair Trade
Verbal Communication
International Law

Global Business is designed for students to analyze global trade theories, international monetary systems, trade policies, politics, and laws relating to global business as well as cultural issues, logistics, and international human resource management.

This binder does not contain all lesson plans for this course. This content can be used with any textbook or instructional materials. If locally adapted, make sure all TEKS are covered.


Scope and Sequence

Resource ID: 19374
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12

CTE TEKS - Implemented 2017-2018, adopted in 2015

Global Business course scope and sequence within the Business Management and Administration Career Cluster® summarizes the content to be taught, and one possible order for teaching the units of instruction. A brief description of each unit and the corresponding TEKS are included. This scope and sequence may be adapted or adopted by the local education agency.

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Program of Study

Resource ID: 19553
Grade Range: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Based on the House Bill 5 Foundation High School Program, the Business Manager program of study within the Business Management and Administration Career Cluster® provides helpful information, including the core courses and career-related electives in high school that will help prepare students for their career goals. This document is designed for students, but can also be used by administrators, counselors, teachers, business and industry representatives, and parents.

Program of Study

Resource ID: 19572
Grade Range: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Based on the House Bill 5 Foundation High School Program, the Business Executive program of study within the Business Management and Administration Career Cluster® provides helpful information, including the core courses and career-related electives in high school that will help prepare students for their career goals. This document is designed for students, but can also be used by administrators, counselors, teachers, business and industry representatives, and parents.

Program of Study

Resource ID: 19555
Grade Range: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Based on the House Bill 5 Foundation High School Program, the Office Manager program of study within the Business Management and Administration Career Cluster® provides helpful information, including the core courses and career-related electives in high school that will help prepare students for their career goals. This document is designed for students, but can also be used by administrators, counselors, teachers, business and industry representatives, and parents.

Program of Study

Resource ID: 19557
Grade Range: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Based on the House Bill 5 Foundation High School Program, the Human Resource Manager program of study within the Business Management and Administration Career Cluster® provides helpful information, including the core courses and career-related electives in high school that will help prepare students for their career goals. This document is designed for students, but can also be used by administrators, counselors, teachers, business and industry representatives, and parents.

Program of Study

Resource ID: 19554
Grade Range: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Based on the House Bill 5 Foundation High School Program, the Marketing Manager program of study within the Business Management and Administration Career Cluster® provides helpful information, including the core courses and career-related electives in high school that will help prepare students for their career goals. This document is designed for students, but can also be used by administrators, counselors, teachers, business and industry representatives, and parents.

Unit 1: Business Communication

Resource ID: CSLP02

Lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 2: Global Business and Investments

Resource ID: 11295
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will learn about the global economy, conduct research on the culture of a foreign country and its impact on business relations, and write an essay about their views on outsourcing.

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Unit 2: Global Business and Investments

Resource ID: 11436
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12
Institution: UNT

The purpose of this lesson is to help students gain a basic understanding of global business, its definition and development.

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Unit 2: Global Business and Investments

Resource ID: 11438
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will learn about the theories that explain increased trade and investments across national borders.

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Unit 3: Money and Exchange Rates

Resource ID: 11363
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12
Institution: UNT

 This lesson is designed to help students learn to analyze global trade theories, international monetary systems, trade policies, politics, and laws relating to global business, understand the impact of global currency rates and the role of international monetary system in the economy.

Unit 3: Money and Exchange Rates

Resource ID: 11440
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12
Institution: UNT

This lesson helps students gain a basic understanding of the IMF and the pros and cons of two types of exchange rates, as well as how to calculate exchange rates.

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Unit 3: Money and Exchange Rates

Resource ID: 11442
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12
Institution: UNT

The purpose of this lesson is to help students gain a basic understanding of the impact of a European common currency and the role of the Foreign Exchange Market.

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Unit 3: Money and Exchange Rates

Resource ID: 11456
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will explain how a foreign exchange market functions globally, and identify the importance of international financial markets.

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Unit 3: Money and Exchange Rates

Resource ID: 11458
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will identify the economic factors that influence exchange rates and explain how those factors work in a global economy.

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Unit 3: Money and Exchange Rates

Resource ID: CSLP01

One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here (, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 4: Global Integration

Resource ID: CSLP02

Lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 5: Global Trade and Agreements

Resource ID: 11450
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will learn strategies to analyze the implications of politics and laws that control and regulate global business and describe the reasoning behind the regulations of global business behavior.

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Unit 5: Global Trade and Agreements

Resource ID: CSLP01

One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here (, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 6: Fair Trade

Resource ID: 11450
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will learn strategies to analyze the implications of politics and laws that control and regulate global business and describe the reasoning behind the regulations of global business behavior.

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Unit 6: Fair Trade

Resource ID: CSLP01

One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here (, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 7: Logistics and Free Trade Zones

Resource ID: CSLP02

Lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 8: Markets and Marketing

Resource ID: 11295
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will learn about the global economy, conduct research on the culture of a foreign country and its impact on business relations, and write an essay about their views on outsourcing.

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Unit 8: Markets and Marketing

Resource ID: 11452
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will learn about cultural elements that affect business relationships. Students will then research the culture of one country to share with the class.

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Unit 8: Markets and Marketing

Resource ID: CSLP01

One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here (, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 9: Human Resource Management

Resource ID: 11295
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will learn about the global economy, conduct research on the culture of a foreign country and its impact on business relations, and write an essay about their views on outsourcing.

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Unit 9: Human Resource Management

Resource ID: 11452
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12
Institution: UNT

In this lesson, students will learn about cultural elements that affect business relationships. Students will then research the culture of one country to share with the class.

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Unit 9: Human Resource Management

Resource ID: 11454
Grade Range: 10, 11, 12
Institution: UNT

This lesson explores cultural management challenges that arise in all career fields when managers work with culturally diverse individuals. The lesson also provides students, case studies to practice meeting those challenges.

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Unit 9: Human Resource Management

Resource ID: CSLP01

One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here (, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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Unit 10: Global Employment Options

Resource ID: CSLP02

Lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

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