Accepted! Now What? (


Accepted! Now What?

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Institutional Organization
Texas Education Agency

Accepted! Now What?

Your students worked so hard to get those coveted college acceptance letters. But once they know where they’ll be spending the next four (or so) years, do they actually know what the next steps are to ensure a successful first year in higher ed?

“TXGU’s Guide to All Things College” covers the must-know details that are crucial to students making a smooth transition to this next phase of their lives. With information about what to do both before and after the first day of college classes, this oh-so-teen-friendly guide is an ideal tool to have on hand at all times leading up to and during that transformative initial year. Flip through (or download) the guide right here.

They're Accepted! Now What? (Parent Version)

Look no further. “TXGU’s College Transition Guide for Parents” will help you figure out how to best support your student in successfully tackling (and conquering) that momentous first year of college. Flip through the guide right here, or download it to have as a handy resource whenever you need it. Happy exploring!




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