Apply Texas (


Apply Texas

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Institutional Organization
Texas Education Agency

Apply Texas




Created By: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

Audience: Students

Focus: College admissions applications

Big Picture: Many schools, one application—that’s the tagline for this straightforward college admissions web resource. Students can begin from scratch by searching for Texas colleges and universities by type of school (two-year, four-year, graduate school, etc.) or degrees offered, as well as learning about the general application process. They can then create an account and fill out one comprehensive application that can be submitted to multiple schools online. And the help section provides detailed instructions and advice for handing all aspects of the application process, both for the current admissions cycle and the next.

Big Challenge Solved: Applying to college, simplified. This basically describes the site’s clear purpose—students and parents looking to get the ball rolling on Texas higher-ed applications should make this a must-stop destination.

Must-Use: Without logging in, students can preview a variety of current and next-year applications for admissions and scholarships, including transfers, international, and readmission—it’s excellent prep for the real thing.

Most Unique Tool: Education: Go Get It! breaks down Texas colleges by application fee—a helpful tool for budgeting a part of the process that can add up fast.

Best Middle-School Student Tool: Best practices for using the site can be found under Things to Know Before You Begin. It’s handy for students new to the college-admissions process and a primer on getting the most out of the site.

Best High-School Student Tool: The two- and four-year-college sections provide super-easy dropdown menus of Texas schools. Select one and get a no-nonsense fact sheet for that school, including application deadlines and fee structures.

Protip: Educators can create an account and log in for access to tools that allow them to monitor their students’ application processes—good for helping to keep them on track.


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