Careers in the Military (


Careers in the Military

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U.S. Military

There are thousands of careers in the Military. Click on the image or navigate to the URL below to see how military careers are categorized to help you explore one that's right for you.


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Search and Explore Careers

Learn About Your Options

The Military: The United States Military is part of the Department of Defense, the largest employer in the world. There are opportunities to work full-time or part-time, get a degree or participate in hobbies, travel the world or sit at a desk. Each branch of the Military has a unique mission.

Types of Service: Explore each branch below to learn more about active duty and part-time duty careers.

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Boot Camp by Service

To serve in the Military you must complete boot camp. This rigorous physical and classroom training prepares recruits mentally and physically for life in the Military. Learn More (

Enlisted VS. Officer

Both enlisted and officer careers provide rewarding experiences, educational and training benefits, and competitive compensation, but the requirements, commitments, and responsibilities are different for enlisted service members vs. officers. Learn More (

Enlistment Requirements

There are a few requirements to join (or enlist in) the Military. Some jobs may have additional requirements, but generally speaking, to enlist you must:

  • Be 18 (or 17 with parental consent). The maximum age to join most Services is 35. However, the Air Force allows entry up to 39 years of age and the Navy only 34. Show Age Requirements [v]
  • Be a U.S. citizen or resident alien.
  • Have a high school diploma (preferred), but a high school equivalent such as the GED may be accepted.
  • Take the ASVAB test to determine job placement. Each job and each Service requires a different score. The best source of this information is a recruiter.
  • Pass a physical fitness exam.

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Enlistment Process

To officially join the Military, a recruiter will schedule your visit to a MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station). MEPS determines an applicant's physical qualifications, aptitude, and moral standards as set by each branch of military service. The process may take up to three days, and food and lodging are usually provided.



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Why Contact A Recruiter?

Meeting with a recruiter does not obligate you to serve; it's simply a chance to ask questions and get answers. Recruiters are the best resource for you to learn about joining the Military. They represent a particular Service and are experts on the enlistment process and life in the Military. It's their job is to find qualified candidates to fill job openings. Contact a recruiter (

Parent Resources

So, your child is interested in a military career. Your level of familiarity with the Military likely dictates your reaction, but it's safe to say you're experiencing a mix of pride and concern.

This is an important decision, and it is important to get it right.

The best thing you can do is to help your child gather information and weigh the pros and cons to make sure that whatever path is chosen, it's the right one for him or her.

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Contact for More Information

Many of the questions you have about the Military have been asked before. Explore the Frequently Asked Questions ( to find the answers you're looking for. If you need more complete answers to specific questions, don't hesitate to contact Careers in the Military (


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