To learn more about the ASVAB CEP program components or how to bring the CEP to your school, contact your area program manager below. You can also visit and select the “Bring the ASVAB CEP to your school” link at the bottom of the page.
The ASVAB Career Exploration Program (CEP) is a unique opportunity to explore all of your career and post-secondary options so you can make a plan that works for you. The ASVAB CEP helps you identify your skills and interests so that you can find potentially satisfying career fields and explore all of the paths you can take to gain entry into your career field of choice.
Before choosing a career, you need to spend some time finding out about you. Whether you are planning to go to college, a vocational school, or the Military, or you are just not sure what you want to do yet, the ASVAB CEP can provide you with important information about your skills and interests—and help get you on the right path toward a satisfying career.
What is the ASVAB CEP
The ASVAB CEP is the only comprehensive and completely FREE career planning resource that empowers students nationwide to align their strengths and interests with a postsecondary plan that works.
Components of the ASVAB CEP:
The ASVAB is an aptitude test that estimates your capacity for academic and vocational endeavors.
Find Your Interest (FYI) is an interest inventory that measures your work-related interests
The career exploration tools include:
OCCU-Find, a catalog of careers with job-related information all geared toward helping students identify satisfying occupations.
My Portfolio, a customizable resume-like document designed to help you chart and share your plans and accomplishments.
My Educational and Career Plans, a guided exercise to encourage you to explore occupations based on your interests, achievements and favorite experiences, make initial career plans, and evaluate current and future programs of study.
My Coursework Planner, an activity to help you determine remaining coursework requirements for entry into occupations of interest.
Classroom Activities, a collection of materials to help you connect what you are learning in the classroom to the real world. - a comprehensive online resource powered by the ASVAB CEP that allows students to discover extensive details about military career opportunities across all services, their service-specific ASVAB line scores, and the jobs offered by each service.
The ASVAB CEP is sponsored by the Department of Defense with a two part mission: provide a career exploration service to U.S. youth and provide qualified leads to military recruiters. Recruiter leads are only released with the school’s approval.
The CEP is offered at no cost to participating high schools as a public service. The ASVAB CEP helped more than 3.5 million participants in the last five years to accurately identify their strengths. Participation is always voluntary and participants have no obligation to the military or to speak to a recruiter.
Students Completed the ASVAB - What's Next?
The key to gaining the most benefits from the ASVAB CEP is to schedule a Career Seminar for your students. The ASVAB Summary Results Sheet (ASR) means very little without an understanding of what the results actually indicate. During a 45-minute guided session, a qualified professional provides a thorough explanation of students’ ASVAB scores and how they can be used to guide them through career exploration activities at Using the unique access code located on their ASR, students can login and take advantage of all of the free resources available within the ASVAB CEP.
Find Your Interests (FYI) is an interest inventory based on John Holland's widely accepted RIASEC® theory of career choice. Students indicate whether they would like or dislike doing certain activities. Based on their responses, the assessment determines the student's top three interest types. Students can then use that information to filter search results when exploring careers in the OCCU-Find.
The OCCU-Find is a catalog of careers containing relevant, reliable occupational data in an easy-to-navigate format. Students can quickly identify potentially satisfying career options using their ASVAB scores, FYI results, and then filter by categories. Once they find a career they like, students can learn all the different ways to gain career-field entry via college, work-based learning, and the military in the “How to Get There” section.
This new activity gives students the opportunity to determine the aspects of work that are important to them, so they have a better understanding of the aligned career options. Students choose one of six responses to 16 realistic scenario-based items to identify their workplace preferences related to:
Achievement: workers who are results-oriented
Independence: workers who value the ability to approach work activities with creativity
Recognition: workers who pursue jobs with opportunities for advancement and leadership responsibilities that allow them to give direction and instruction to others
Relationships: workers who prefer jobs that provide services to others and work with co-workers in a friendly, non-competitive environment
Support: workers who appreciate when their company’s leadership stands behind and supports their employees
Working Conditions: workers who value job security and pleasant working conditions